About Us

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About GEM Trust

The African Gender and Media Initiative Trust (GEM) is a women led research organization that works to advance gender equality through research and action on women’s human rights. GEM Trust began as a research arm and a reservoir of knowledge and information for the African Women and Child Feature Service (AWCFS) media content development but has since grown to a fully-fledged registered organization. GEM Trust brings together women experts in women’s human rights issues specifically women’s health, sexual and reproductive rights, economic empowerment, media advocacy and research. The advocates came together in response to the need for evidence-based programming in women’s human rights work in Kenya and Africa.

Our Mission

To advance gender equality through research and action on women’s human rights

Our Vision

A just and equitable society where all women and girls enjoy their human rights.

Our Core Values

Inclusivity and equality






Our History

GEM Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to advancing gender equality and women’s rights through pioneering research and impactful initiatives. It originated as a knowledge hub for media content development and has since evolved into a fully-fledged registered organization since 2008. The organization was founded in response to the urgent need for evidence-based strategies in women’s human rights work in Kenya. GEM Trust brings together accomplished women experts in critical areas such as women’s health, sexual and reproductive rights, gender-based violence, media, advocacy, and research to drive transformative change for women across the continent.”

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